Department of Mechanical Engineering

Research & Development

Patent Details
Sr. No Faculty Title Patent Number Industry Venture Duration
1 Dr. S D Dalvi Energy Mete g for Electricity metering and Monitoring and method thereof. 440403 Commercial 2023-24
2 Dr. S D Dalvi Design and Development of Smart Energy Meter MUM/3426/2015 Commercial 2014-15
3 Dr. Vivek K. Sunnapwar A Nano-composite of Alumina with Improved Mechanical Properties for Commercial Products 3463/MUM/2013 A Commercial 2013-14
4 Dr. Vivek K. Sunnapwar Solar Cooker with Trackable Parabolic Dish 772/MUM/2011 A Commercial 2011-12
Faculty Research Publications
Year Title of paper Name of the author/s Name of journal Type
2019-20 Development And Optimization of Vehicle Assembly Line : A Literature Review Dr. Vivek K Sunnapawar Journal of Basic and Applied Research International SCOPUS
2019-20 An integrated Lean, Green and Six Sigma strategies: A systematic literature review and directions for future research Dr. Vivek K Sunnapawar The TQM Journal SCOPUS
2019-20 Application of DMAIC and SPC to improve operational performance of manufacturing industry: a case study Dr. Vivek K Sunnapawar Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series C SCOPUS
2019-20 The role of lean manufacturing practices in greener production: A way to reach sustainability Dr. Vivek K Sunnapawar Int. J. Ind. Manuf. Syst. Eng SCOPUS
2019-20 Developing Framework for the Implementation of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Dr. Vivek K Sunnapawar International Journal of Applied Management & Technology SCOPUS
2019-20 Hydrogen storage characteristics of mixture of Lithium Amide and Lithium Hydride using Severt’s type apparatus Dr. Vivek Yakkundi Techno-Societal 2018: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Societal Applications-Volume 1 SCOPUS
2020-21 Thermal Analysis of Circular Pin-fin with Rectangular Slot at the Center by Forced Convection Ajay Kashikar World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology International Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Vol:14, No:11, 2020 UGC care
2020-21 Design and Analysis of Automotive Mufflers for Noise Attenuation: A Review Ajay Kashikar SSRN SCOPUS
2020-21 A Literature Review: Supply Chain Management for Deliverable Improvements Sarode Avinash D 2020 International Online Conference on Emerging trends in Multi-Disciplinary Research, “ETMDR-2020” conference
2020-21 Case study on energy audit in HPCL, Mazgaon Dock Ltd, Mumbai Dr. Chandrababu Divakaran International Journal of Ambient Energy SCOPUS
2020-21 Design and Analysis of Automotive Mufflers for Noise Attenuation: A Review Dr. Vivek K Sunnapawar SSRN SCOPUS
2020-21 Development of an integrated framework of LGSS strategies for Indian manufacturing firms to improve business performance: an empirical study Dr. Vivek K Sunnapawar The TQM Journal SCOPUS
2020-21 Image-based bio-cad modeling: overview, scope, and challenges Dr. Vivek K Sunnapawar Journal of Physics: Conference Series SCOPUS
2020-21 Effect of Plunging and Dwelling Period on Temperature Profile and Energy Dissipation in FSSW and Its Relevance in FSW Dr. Vivek Yakkundi Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Manufacturing and Automation: ICIMA 2020 SCOPUS
2020-21 Behavior of Ammonia Borane as Solid-State Hydrogen Storage Material Dr. Vivek Yakkundi Techno-Societal 2020: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Societal Applications—Volume 2 conference
2020-21 Determination of Johnson Cook parameters for Ti-6Al-4 V Grade 5 experimentally by using three different methods Dr. Vivek Yakkundi Materials Today: Proceedings Elsevier SCOPUS
2020-21 A numerical technique to analyze the trend of temperature distribution in the friction stir welding process for titanium Ti 6Al 4V Dr. Vivek Yakkundi Materials Today: Proceedings Elsevier SCOPUS
2020-21 The consequence of silicon additive in isothermal decomposition of hydrides LiH, NaH, CaH2 and TiH2 Dr. Vivek Yakkundi International Journal of Hydrogen Energy Pergamon SCOPUS
2020-21 Fabrication and analysis of apparatus for measuring stored renewable hydrogen energy in metal hydrides Dr. Vivek Yakkundi Advances in Manufacturing Systems: Select Proceedings of RAM 2020 SCOPUS
2020-21 Thermal Analysis of Circular Pin-fin with Rectangular Slot at the Center by Forced Convection Kavita H. Dhanawade World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology International Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Vol:14, No:11, 2020 Ugc Care
2020-21 Thermal Analysis of Circular Pin-fin with Rectangular Slot at the Center by Forced Convection Mahesh Bhadane World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology International Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Vol:14, No:11, 2020 Ugc Care
2020-21 Review on 3D Printed Bone Scaffold and Biocompatible Material Nimisha Shirbhate Journal of 3D Printing andits applications Open Access & Peer-Reviewed
2020-21 Experimental analysis of rooftop solar PV modules installation in educational premises Santosh D Dalvi   open access, peer-reviewed,
2020-21 Case study on energy audit in HPCL, Mazgaon Dock Ltd, Mumbai Santosh D Dalvi International Journal of Ambient Energy SCOPUS
2020-21 Identification & Prioritization of Agile Manufacturing Enablers for Small and Medium Scale Industries”, Sarode Avinash D IOP Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 810, 012034, SCOPUS
2020-21 Ranking Different Enablers/Drivers Of Sustainable Supply Chain Management By Using AHP In Indian Manufacturing Industries Sarode Avinash D International Journal of Analytical Hierarchy Process journal
2020-21 An experimental and numerical study of air flow pattern and temperature distribution of angular air distribution system in hospital operation theatre Sarode Avinash D IOP Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 810, 012003, IOP Publishing SCOPUS
2020-21 Design of Air Distribution System for Operation Theatre Using Flow Visualization Techniques to Improve Flow Characteristics” Sarode Avinash D International Journal of Engineering SCOPUS,web of science
2020-21 Thermal Analysis of Circular Pin-fin with Rectangular Slot at the Center by Forced Convection Shweta Matey World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology International Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Vol:14, No:11, 2020 Ugc Care
2020-21 Measurement Uncertainty in Hardness of Water Testing Shweta Matey Industrial Engineering Journal Ugc Care
2020-21 Identification & Prioritization of Agile Manufacturing Enablers for Small and Medium Scale Industries”, Suchita P.Lokhande IOP Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 810, 012034, SCOPUS
2020-21 Design of vacuum chamber to remove stiction problem in polymer microstructure Sunil T. Kadam International Journal of creative thoughts ( IJCRT ) Ugc Care
2020-21 An experimental and numerical study of air flow pattern and temperature distribution of angular air distribution system in hospital operation theatre Swati Rahate IOP Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 810, 012003, IOP Publishing SCOPUS,web of science
2020-21 Design of Air Distribution System for Operation Theatre Using Flow Visualization Techniques to Improve Flow Characteristics” Swati Rahate International Journal of Engineering SCOPUS,web of science
2021-22 Development of muffler design and its validation Ajay Kashikar Applied Accoustics SCOPUS
2021-22 Performance Evaluation of Minimum Quantity Lubrication on EN3 Mild Steel Turning Ajay Kashikar World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology International Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering SCOPUS
2021-22 Experimental and computational analysis of a copper based radiator of a motorcycle to determine its compactness by modification of geometry of fins. Ajay Kashikar International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology SCOPUS
2021-22 A specific analytical study of friction stir welded Ti-6Al-4V grade 5 alloy: Stir zone microstructure and mechanical properties Dr. Vivek K Sunnapawar Journal of Manufacturing Processes Elsevier SCOPUS
2021-22 Automated skull damage detection from assembled skull model using computer vision and machine learning Dr. Vivek K Sunnapawar International Journal of Information Technology SCOPUS
2021-22 Experimental investigation and fuzzy TOPSIS optimisation of Ti6Al4V finish milling Dr. Vivek K Sunnapawar Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies SCOPUS
2021-22 Effective machining parameter selection through fuzzy AHP-TOPSIS for 3D finish milling of Ti6Al4V Dr. Vivek K Sunnapawar International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) SCOPUS
2021-22 The Solid Model Development by Point Cloud and Planar Counter Fitted Curves for Medical Images of Knee Joint Dr. Vivek K Sunnapawar International Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Science, SCOPUS
2021-22 A specific analytical study of friction stir welded Ti-6Al-4V grade 5 alloy: Stir zone microstructure and mechanical properties Dr. Vivek Yakkundi Journal of Manufacturing Processes Elsevier SCOPUS
2021-22 Waste Minimization in Die Cutting Industry Through Implementation of Green Manufacturing Technologies: A Case Study Dr.Sunil Satav International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 SCOPUS
2021-22 Quantitative Analysis of Waste Management in Indian Context Dr.Sunil Satav International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM) SCOPUS
2021-22 Reduction in Heat Loss of Flat Plate Solar Water Heater by Modification in Material and Properties – A Review Dr.Sunil Satav International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), SCOPUS
2021-22 The Solid Model Development by Point Cloud and Planar Counter Fitted Curves for Medical Images of Knee Joint Jayesh Dange International Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Science, Ugc Care
2021-22 Finite Element Analysis of Different Architectures for Bone Scaffold Nimisha Shirbhate Engineering and Technology International Journal of Biomedical and Biological Engineering Ugc Care
2021-22 Promising Friction and Wear-reducing Additive in Lubrication- Recent Progress & Perspective Ujjawala Pandharkar CTFC2021 conference
2022-23 Thermodynamic  analysis of solar power combined supercritical carbon dioxide cycle Ajay Kashikar International research jornal of Engineering and Technology Ugc Care
2022-23 Energy and Exergy analysis of diesel engine using blends of hybrid biodiesel Ajay Kashikar International journal of scientific research in Engineering and Management SCOPUS
2022-23 Exploring the Influential Factors on the Performance of SMEs in Business Anil Magare Proceeding of ICRMIR2023 conference
2022-23 Cloud ERP Adoption by SMEs: A Systematic Review Anil Magare Proceeding of SPICON-2022 conference
2022-23 Development of High Performance Light Weight
Dr.Sunil Satav Proceeding of ICRMIR2023 conference
2022-23 Role of Machine Learning for Inventory Management: A Proposed Framework Dr.Sunil Satav Proceeding of ICRMIR2023 conference
2022-23 Pin Fins to Micro Pin Fins Development, Implementation, Novel Investigation and Heat Transfer Enhancement Characteristic – A Review Kavita H. Dhanawade Research and Applications of Thermal Engineering Ugc Care
2022-23 Minimization and Utilization of Byproduct Nimisha Shirbhate Innovations in Engineering and Science nil
2022-23 Regeneration of Natural Bone and its Dynamic Analysis Nimisha Shirbhate Dizhen Dizhi Journal Ugc Care
2022-23 Enhancing Manufacturing Agility: A Marks-Based Model to evaluate and improve ten agile criteria Suchita P.Lokhande Proceeding of ICRMIR2023 conference
2022-23 The role of nanoparticles in modifying friction and wear characteristics: An overview Ujjawala Pandharkar Proceeding of ICRMIR2023 conference
2023-24 Systematic literature review of machine learning for manufacturing supply chain. Dr.Sunil Satav The TQM Journal SCOPUS
2023-24 An experimental investigation of aerofoil shaped pin fin arrays Dr. Kavita Dhanawade Frontiers in heat and mass transfer SCOPUS
2023-24 A numerical model analysis on perforated aerofoil shaped pin fin arrays in heat dissipation enhancement, pressure drop and optimization Dr. Kavita Dhanawade Elsevier - Materials today SCOPUS
2023-24 An Analytical Model Analysis on Perforated Aerofoil Shaped Pin Fins in Heat Dissipation Enhancement, Pressure Drop and Optimization of Same Geometry. Dr. Kavita Dhanawade Advancement in Mechanical Engineering and Technology. Conference
2023-24 Literature review of agile manufacturing enablers for Indian manufacturing industry Suchita Lokhande International Journal of Services and Operations Management SCOPUS
2023-24 Systematic literature review of machine learning for manufacturing supply chain. Prof.smita Ganjare The TQM Journal SCOPUS
2023-24 Comparative Static Analysis of Biocompatible Bone Scaffold Nimisha Shirbhate 7th international conference & national Productivity contest Conference

Consultancy / Industry Projects Completed

Sr. No Faculty Title Industry Duration Amount
1 Dr. Dalvi S D, Dr. Chandrababu D Failure Analysis of Spinning Machine Roller/Mangle. INDOCO Ltd., Ichalkaranji 2015-16 PG Project
2 Dr. Dalvi S D, Dr. Chandrababu D, Prof. Vijoy Kumar Cost Optimization in Assembly Substation Layout Knorr-Bremse, Pune 2015-16 PG Project
3 Dr. S D Dalvi Monitoring and Verification Audit RSPL, Chattisgarh August 2015 Rs. 300000
4 Dr. S D Dalvi Energy Audit in Petrochemical Industry TPTPL, Rayong May 2014 Rs. 500000
5 Dr. S D Dalvi Repairing of Blow Counter and Digital Flow Meter Rockprocess Eqp, Thane Feb 2011 Freelance
6 Dr. S D Dalvi, Prof Sunil Satao, Dr. B T Patil Design & Fabrication of Advance Pneumatic System in Cement Bulker AMPL, Mahape 08/09/12 to 20/04/13 UG Project
7 Dr. S D Dalvi, Prof Sunil Satao, Dr. B T Patil Modification in Vertical Slotting Machine S H Mech Pvt Ltd Jan to Mar 2013 UG Project
8 Dr. S D Dalvi, Prof Sunil Satao, Dr. B T Patil Design of Multi component Economical Rolling Machine Hitesh Mechanicals Aug 11 to April 2012 UG Project
9 Dr. S D Dalvi Design Modification in Screw Flight Manufacturing Machine Flow Tech Eqp PL Aug 14 to Mar 2015 UG Project
10 Dr. S D Dalvi Energy Audit Data collection at MTNL Fort and Bandra Kurla Complex SPCE 2011-12 Rs. 400000


Sr.No. Name of Organization/ Industry/ Institute Point of Contact (Ind.) Faculty Incharge Duration of MoU
1 Cannon Indikos Machineries LLP Mr. Vinod Purohit Dr. Santosh Dalvi 29/08/2023-28/2/2024
2 Go Green Technologies Pvt.Ltd Dr.Y.S.Rao Dr. Santosh Dalvi 21/03/2023-20/3/2024
3 Dr.Rashmi Joshi, Environment Consultant Dr.Rashmi Joshi Dr. Vivek Sunnapwar 20/10/2021 to 19/10/2024
4 Just Automation Pvt Ltd
(A subsidiary of SAGE Group Austrailia)
Mr.Shreenivas Kulkarni Dr. Vivek Sunnapwar 7/02/2019 to 6/02/2019
5 Connecting Dreams Foundation(CDF) Director, CDF Dr. Vivek Sunnapwar 4/4/2023 to 3/4/2024
6 Periurja Energy Mr.Sarvesh Shetye Dr. Vivek Sunnapwar 15/2/2022 to 14/02/2025
7 DCODECTH IT Industrial Training Mr.Salunkhe Dr. Vivek Sunnapwar 5/11/2019 to 4/11/2021
8 ExcelR Solution, Bengaluru Mr.Srinivas Gurrala Dr. Vivek Sunnapwar 10/6/2022 to 9/6/2024
9 Landscape Wall Systems Mr.Pankaj Ghare Dr. Santosh Dalvi 2019-2020
10 ASHRAE Mumbai Chape   President ASHRAE Mumbai Chapter Dr. Vivek Sunnapwar 2021-22
11 Senergy Consultants Pvt Ltd Mr.Ravindra Datar, Director Dr. Santosh Dalvi 23/03/2022 to 22/03/2023